Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Importance of Woman/Female Education

The Importance of Woman/Female Education

Education is the divine light which lightens the mind and soul of a person to lead a happy life. If also means training and instruction to give knowledge and develop skills. It is necessary for every human being. As Napoleon Bonaparte said, "Give me a good mother, I will give you a good nation." This shows the importance of women/female education.

People have a traditional thought to look down upon women. They are only considered to be a child-bearing machine as well as a cook. In some places like the Tarai region they are not allowed to come out of their house without covering their faces with veils. Parents pay their special attention to sons but not to daughters. They are only trained for cooking and doing house-hold work. Due to the lack of education they cannot fulfil their aim. Although they have the capacity to go ahead of male persons but they are not able to do so because of the lack of education.

As we know male and female are the two wheels of a cart or two parts of a coin. A coin can't be imagined leaving the other part. A cart cannot run smoothly on only one wheel. Similarly, the human life cannot run without the help of women. Home is the first school and mother is called the first teacher of a child. If a mother is educated, a child can get good education at home, get knowledge, widen its mind, develop its character and mental power . A child learns the language of its mother first. Later it learns the language spoken by father and other family members. So, its initial language is known as 'Mother-Tongue' not as 'Father-Tongue'. If mother is educated, the child learns good expressions but if not it learns rustic expressions. This verifies that the female education is more important than male education. Women should be given equal opportunity to get education. They should not be neglected at all. They can also earn name and fame in this world. As for example we can name some well-known ladies like Mao Bhandar Naike, Indira Gandhi, Margret Threture, Benazir Bhutto, Sheikh Hasina Wazid, Florence Nightingale, Mother Teresa, Madam Currie, Ang Sang Su Che and Pasang Lhamu Sherpa.

In Nepal after the restoration of democracy, woman have known the value of education and want to be educated. Our government also is encouraging them to go to school to get education.

As a conclusion we can appreciate that if we educate one male child,  it will be a well-known person. But if we educate a female child if can produce many well-known persons. it is the precious out-put of female education.

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1 comment:

  1. Yes, Female education is very important. We offers best online education software for online learning. contact us for more details.
