Wednesday, February 28, 2018

" Importance of Road Transportation in Nepal "

" Importance of Road Transportation in Nepal "

Transportation means the way of traveling from one place to another place through different routes like air ways, rail ways, rope ways, water transport and road transport. Our country is a landlocked country so water-transport is impossible to be used. It is a mountainous country so railway transport can't be commonly used. It seems to be very expensive in preparation and construction. Air-transport is used in our country but it is unaffordable to common Nepalese citizens. Most of people in Nepal depend on road transport which is used by each and every citizen of our country. So there is a great importance of road transport in Nepal.

Our country is mountainous. It has great problems for making roads. In spite of these problems some roads have been built. Some important roads are: Mahendra Rajmarg, Tribhuwan Rajmarg, Arniko Rajmarg, Prithivi Rajmarg and others. Some other roads are also available here. Some proposed roads are under construction. Different things are carried through these roads for the daily use of our people. If it is blocked, it creates a lot of problems. 

There are some places in our country where roads have not reached yet. Without making tunnels, we cannot make a road through these mountains. Making a tunnel is very expensive for our government, so we have to depend on air transport. Road transport is the cheapest and easiest means of transport, too.

 It is a matter of grief that nowadays road transport is blocked here and there on the name of strike. It misbalances our transportation system. The government also does not pay attention to clear the blockage. Thus the supply of necessary things is hampered.

 In this way we see that there is a great importance of road transport in our country. We can never neglect it. If it is stopped or any obstacle comes in front of it, it should be driven away. Our government should try to increase the numbers of roads so that some inaccessible places can also be connected.

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