Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Agriculture in Nepal / Importance of Agriculture

                  Agriculture in Nepal / Importance of Agriculture

Agriculture is the thing which causes people to remain alive. When fields are cultivated, planted and · tended from time to time, they fields different types of cereals. Nepal is an agricultural country
because most of its people depend on agriculture.

Most of Nepalese are farmers. Mainly the plains of the Terai are suitable for agriculture but some parts in hilly areas and valleys are also appropriate for agriculture. In hilly areas the farmers have stair – like fields called terraced that are suitable for different types of crops which require less water. They have plenty of water for irrigation but due to the lack of suitable sources they cannot achieve their goal. They don't have scientific agricultural tools. Except for some tractors and pumping-sets they have no other modern implements. They have to depend on their own muscles. Their fields are thoroughly swamped by pests. They don't get such a pesticide that can completely finish them off. In spite of their hard labour they produce fewer crops. Their crops are not sold on a proper price. They sometimes feel a lot of obstacles in getting
agricultural loans.

This is how we can conclude that the farmers of our country are its backbone. They should be provided training, easy loan conveniences, modern agricultural appliances and other facilities. If the government pays attention to their problems, they can uplift the economic growth rate by growing.unbelievable crops.

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