Monday, October 1, 2018


Christmas is the most important festival of the Christians. It is valuable and important for them as Dashain for us. It is celebrated on the 25th of December every year. During the festival, they organise many programmes.

It is celebrated to mark the memory day of Jesus's birth. Jesus Christ was the founder of Christianity. There are many churches in towns and villages. A large number of Nepalese people, who were once Hindu, are Christians. All Christians people believe that he was sent to this world to save mankind from sins and suffering.

On this occasion, people buy their x-mas | trees. They decorate the trees with | beautiful and colourful lights round the trees. All gather in the church to pray God. They wish one another saying 'Merry Christmas'. They enjoy delicious dishes.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Education is the light of life. Education is necessary for both men and women. When men and women are educated together, it is known as co-education. This is the system of education in which girls and boys get an opportunity to share their feelings together. Co-education trains both men and women to live peacefully and happily.

Education develops all hidden powers of boys and girls. It makes them understand each other. Their married life will fail without this clear understanding. Co-education prepares them to live in the practical world. In co-educational system, they sit together, share their feelings of happiness and sorrow as well. Later their conjugal life becomes successful.   

The government cannot afford to have separate schools and colleges for both men and women in proportion to their number. We have very few schools and colleges for girls. So co-education solves this problem. Both girls and boys are given equal opportunity to face the competitions. When they are co-educated, girls don't feel problems to face them with boys. They have no problem to do their duties together.

Some people dislike co-education. They think it to be harmful for our society. Our main religious beliefs are against co-education. A young boy is considered to be the burning fire and a young girl to be like fuel. According to them co-education means to add fuel to the fire to burn the society into ashes. There is another objection to it. Girls are shy by nature. So they cannot study with boys with all freedom. Some are in favour of · giving a different kind of education to girls. Co-education will not serve the purpose so it is not useful and helpful to the women of our country.

In this way we can conclude that co-education has both merits and demerits. But merits are more than demerits. We see those girls who get co-education have been more successful. Gradually their shy nature finishes. They face the interviews expertly because they have already developed the qualities of facing the questions raised by boy-students. Thus co-education is a successful system of education which can bring the women ahead of men.

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"My Favourite Season" or "The Spring Season"
"My Favourite Season" or "The Spring Season"

There are mainly four seasons in Nepal. They are Summer Season, Rainy season, Winter Season and Spring Season. All come for nearly a span of three months. All seasons have their merits and demerits. Some create problems to us but some are joyous to us. 

Everyone likes one season or the other but I like spring season most. Spring has been called the king of all seasons. Many poets have described the beauty of this season in songs. The morning is pleasant. The noon is soothing. The evening is cool and calm. The night is comfortable. Birds chirp. The sky is clear and the wind is refreshing. Every creation of nature looks very beautiful. Flowers bloom. New leaves come out of trees.
The spring season is important for farmers. Crops ripen in the fields. Farmers gather wheat and barley E at home. Everyone has a sense of pleasure. Spring is a season of Hindu festivals. Holi which falls in this season is a festival of eating and drinking. People enjoy it most. Holi adds to the glory of the spring season.

In this pleasant season fields are covered with green plants. Flowers bloom and give off pleasant fragrance. It is neither hot nor cold. The cuckoo speaks in its melodious sound. There is no cold wind. Days and nights are neither too long nor too short. I hate the cold wind of winter as well as the hot sun of summer. I dislike mud and dirt caused by the rains. So spring is my favourite season.

In this way we see that this season is so pleasant that most of people like it. We feel quite fresh and cheerful, We move in orchards to gather unripe mangoes. We can watch different types of birds in our localities. People sing 'Phagu' songs and 'Chaitawar' songs. So spring is the most popular season in Nepal which I like most.

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"The Gifts of Science"
" The Gifts of Science "

Science as a Boon or Curse" Science produces wonderful things. We are living in the modern age of science, we can see the work of science in each and every walk of life. But it plays not only constructive but also destructive role. In the one hand it has given us good and comfortable things, it has created destructive things like atom bomb, dynamite, automatic guns on the other.

The progress of science in the field of medicines and surgery is remarkable. Many new medicines are available today to cure us of some deadly diseases. Now major operations of the brain or the heart are easy. Such operations were neither safe nor simple some twenty years ago. X-ray used to be a Wonderful Job Some years ago. But today some more developed techniques have been produced to get the symptoms of diseases very soon. Naturally the death-rate is reducing every year.  

Science has shown wonderful developments in the field of travelling. The age of horses and bullock carts is gone. It is an age of jet planes which fly faster than the sound. Distance is no problem now. We have cars, jeeps, trucks, buses, trains, trams, ships, airplanes, helicopters etc. Big mountains and deep seas do not stand in our way. 

Telegraph, wireless, telephone, radio and television are some other gifts of science. These things have made the world look small. They have solved the problem of time and space in the world. The invention of electricity has produced lots of facilities to us. We don't feel night as a curse. Nights are bright. Nowadays all development depends on electricity.

But we should not try to forget the world wars, which were caused by the development of science. They were a curse for humanity. Nuclear weapons can finish the whole world in no time. Tanks, bombs, war planes are very dangerous. 

We can conclude that science has both constructive and destructive roles. But on whole it can give us many new things of use if we use it rightly. It is neither good nor bad by itself. It depends on how we use it. So science is always in the service of man. Let us make the best use of it.

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" Environmental Pollution "
" Environmental Pollution "

Environment pollution means the activities of people that cause water, air or land to become dirty and dangerous to live in, water, air and land remain fresh in their natural quality. When they lose their original qualities, they become dirty and dangerous.

There are many ways of environmental pollution. Population is growing rapidly. The extra number of population wants new place to reside and cultivate. So they cut the jungles and settle themselves there. The area of the jungle diminishes. The animals living there lose their natural habitat. Their number decreases. This causes imbalance to the ecosystem. Forests purify air, control flood and some other calamities. When they diminish, air pollution increases. Vehicles give off smokes. Some factories give off smokes. People make fire full of smokes. Air pollutes with the smokes. Unnecessary sounds cause noise pollution. Throwing carcasses in open air causes air pollution.

People use the rivers to get their cattle washed. They use river banks as cemetery. A corpse is burnt on the pyre near water. The dirty things are thrown in the water of the river. Many factories drain their waste in the nearby rivers. These small polluted rivers meet with big rivers. Thus water is polluted. 

There is a great influence of environmental pollution on our health. It can cause different types of diseases in us. People become blind and deaf. They can suffer from some other fatal diseases that can ruin our life. Pollution creates imbalance in our mind, too. People can be mad due to pollution.

In this way we see that there are several ways that can create environmental pollution. We must try to get rid of those destructive activities. Our government should bring a strict rule to control it. A new conference on world level should be organized once again after the failure of KWETA (a city in Japan) conference. The countries with a joint effort should try to help each other to get rid of it. If global warming increases more, it can melt the ice of Antarctica that can raise the water level and many areas can submerge in the Oceans. If we control environment pollution, we can make our coming generation happy. 

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" Importance of Road Transportation in Nepal "
" Importance of Road Transportation in Nepal "

Transportation means the way of traveling from one place to another place through different routes like air ways, rail ways, rope ways, water transport and road transport. Our country is a landlocked country so water-transport is impossible to be used. It is a mountainous country so railway transport can't be commonly used. It seems to be very expensive in preparation and construction. Air-transport is used in our country but it is unaffordable to common Nepalese citizens. Most of people in Nepal depend on road transport which is used by each and every citizen of our country. So there is a great importance of road transport in Nepal.

Our country is mountainous. It has great problems for making roads. In spite of these problems some roads have been built. Some important roads are: Mahendra Rajmarg, Tribhuwan Rajmarg, Arniko Rajmarg, Prithivi Rajmarg and others. Some other roads are also available here. Some proposed roads are under construction. Different things are carried through these roads for the daily use of our people. If it is blocked, it creates a lot of problems. 

There are some places in our country where roads have not reached yet. Without making tunnels, we cannot make a road through these mountains. Making a tunnel is very expensive for our government, so we have to depend on air transport. Road transport is the cheapest and easiest means of transport, too.

 It is a matter of grief that nowadays road transport is blocked here and there on the name of strike. It misbalances our transportation system. The government also does not pay attention to clear the blockage. Thus the supply of necessary things is hampered.

 In this way we see that there is a great importance of road transport in our country. We can never neglect it. If it is stopped or any obstacle comes in front of it, it should be driven away. Our government should try to increase the numbers of roads so that some inaccessible places can also be connected.

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" Child Labour in Nepal "
" Child Labour in Nepal "

Children are the future of a country. If they are educated, the coming generation will be highly educated. Getting education is their birth-right. Neglecting their birthright when they are forced to earn money, it is known as 'Child Labour'. 'Child Labour' is one of the fatal demerits of our society.

Our country is a poor country. Many people pass their life below poverty line. They can't meet their daily necessary requirements. They have a lot of troubles to manage even food and clothes. They are forced to send their children to do hard labour. Thus 'Child Labour' gets birth. Many rich people have the capacity to employ a servant to do domestic work but they have to pay a lot of money for big-servants. So they entice either the children or their guardians to employ children paying a little money.  

Child labour is seen in various forms. Some are employed as domestic workers inside the country. Some are forced to help their guardians in fields and other places. Some are sent to the experts of different areas to learn how to work efficiently in future. Some are employed as 'Khalasi', 'Sweepers' and Carriers'. Some are sexually exploited by employers. On the name of earning much money, they are sold in circuses and prostitutions. 

Nowadays the government of our country has tried to control child labour through various slogans. Many international organizations are also working hard to eliminate it. Different laws have been implemented. But these laws are kicked to continue it. Many children are caught while going across the border to other countries with the traffickers. Many have been penalized, too. 'Maiti Nepal' has been very successful in . reducing its rate but has not got great success yet. 

In this way we see that this dangerous disease of our society has not yet been replaced. Our government should try to bring such programmes that can aware the guardians to educate their children. The education for all should not only be used as a slogan but also be brought on the ground reality. More facilities should be provided to the Maiti Nepal like organization. Not only legal but also social punishment is necessary for those who are engaged in enhancing child labour. Poverty must be eliminated by changing the financial policy of our country. The solution of this problem is social awakening and economic support to the needy people.

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